About Us

Man should live happily, which requires education as well as financial literacy. It does not matter if our earnings are high or low, it is very important how we increase that earnings and make a large amount. Because no matter how much you earn, if you do not invest money in the right returns, you will be like a caterpillar. I found out about this after I got married. I worked in various private companies after completing BCom. Living in the City with rent and expenses has become difficult. I learned about stocks and the stock market and tried to make money fast. I traded between 2007 and 2012 and all my money was wiped out. After that I joined some courses and read a lot of books. I explored various types of investments, trading, options, mutual funds, bonds, various bank schemes. Now I have benefited from these. I decided to use this platform to provide the financial knowledge and contemporary news that I know.

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